4 Startup Ideas For The Next Economy




The next economy is upon us. It’s not just the tech economy that we live in, but an economy built on transparency, trust and hard work. The opportunities to start a business are endless, and if you have an idea for one I encourage you to make it happen!

New kinds of work

The Next Economy is an economy in which digital labor and automation are reshaping the way we work. While some types of jobs may disappear, others will be created.

In this new world, it's important for you to know what kinds of jobs are available and how you can build a successful startup doing them. Here are four ideas that might work:

New ways to trade

·        New ways to trade

·        How to trade in the digital age

·        How to trade with people you don't know

·        How to trade with people you do know

New ways to learn

Learning is a lifelong process and learning from other people is an important part of that. Whether it's a successful business owner, a mentor or someone in your personal life, learning from others can provide valuable information that helps you grow your business. Learning from the mistakes and successes of others will give you an advantage over those who do not take this approach to improving their businesses.

New ways to care

·        New ways to care: How do we take care of each other? How do we take care of the planet? And how do we make sure that we're taking good care of ourselves too, so that the world doesn't spin off into the void without us?

·        New ways to work: What are new ways for people to work together and get paid for it? We need more jobs that don't suck; if you're stuck in a crappy job, maybe try starting your own company or freelancing from home! If you've got a great idea for a startup but don't know where to start, check out our list of resources below (including some curated resources from our friends at [comic book store](http://www.comicshoplocator.com/)).

We're looking for startups that rethink how we work, how we get what we need, and how we take care of each other.

We're looking for startups that rethink how we work, how we get what we need, and how we take care of each other.

The startup should be able to scale quickly. It should reach a large audience and make a positive difference in people's lives. We're looking for startups that are building the next generation of products and services for the post-subsidy era.


We want to see the next generation of startups making things that will make our lives better. We want to see a world where those in need have access to food, water, and medicine. We want everyone to be able to work, trade their skills and talents freely, learn new skills on their own time, and take care of themselves and each other without fear.


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