When Your Start-Up Isn't Going as Planned: How to Pivot by David Woroboff

Starting a business is no easy feat. It requires hard work, dedication, and relentless focus on making your idea a reality. Unfortunately, not all startups go as planned. You may find yourself in a situation where you realize that what you thought was going to be the key to success isn’t panning out for your business. Don’t panic, advises DavidWoroboff , who was the VP & General Manager for the innovative software company Attivio, and VP of Pitney Bowes Software! It’s time to pivot and make the necessary changes so your start-up can be successful. Identify What Isn’t Working The first step in pivoting is figuring out what isn’t working in your current approach. This can be done by assessing the results of your current strategy, such as customer feedback and sales data. Then, it's important to identify patterns that point to areas that need improvement; this will help you hone in on what needs to change and give you an overall understanding...